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I hate Bloogle.
Dear Bloogle,
I can verify that there is no similarity between Ms. E and a rectangular can of processed pork product. I like SPAM in my macaroni and cheese. I would not like Ms. E in my macaroni and cheese.
the Crazy Farm Woman (or whatever my pseudonym is here, I don't remember)
I also hate the way that I usually have to enter the word verification twice because it times out while I type up my post.
Bloogle blowgles.
Dear Bloogle,
I echo the Equally Illustrious Ms S's statements, because as much as she would dislike me being in her macaroni and cheese, I would...um...equally...not...like...it?
Thank you!
Hey, Ozzie-poo!
Maybe we should all defect to Typepad or Wordpress...*smirks a Very Spammy Smirk at Bloogle*
oh geeze! I've been bitching over on Jeani's blog about how I hate learning new technology. Don't make me learn a new blogging program!
BTW, we're having mac & cheese with Spam for dinner tonight. :)
It's OK, I'll hold your hand...
*mutters something rude under her breath about having Luddite friends*
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